Nuclear and Hadronic Physics
- P. J. A. Bicudo (Lisbon, IST), "Factorization of Fermion Doubles on the lattice", FISIST-16-99-CFIF, Sep 1999. 4pp., published in Phys.Lett.B478:379-386,2000.
- Eef van Beveren (Coimbra U.), George Rupp (Lisbon, IST), Michael D. Scadron (Arizona U.), "Why the F0(980) is Mostly S Anti-S", Sep 2000. 5pp. published in Phys.Lett.B495:300-302,2000.
- Yu.S.Kalashnikova and A.V.Nefediev, "Heavy-light mesons spectrum from the nonperturbative QCD in the einbein field formalism", Phys.Lett. B492 (2000) 91-97.
- Yu.S.Kalashnikova and A.V.Nefediev, "Strong decays and Adler selfconsistency condition in two-dimensional QCD", Phys.Lett. B487 (2000) 371-378.
- Yu.S.Kalashnikova, A.V.Nefediev and A.V.Volodin, "Hamiltonian approach to the bound state problem in QCD_2", Phys.Atom.Nucl. 63 (2000) 1623-1628
- J.E. Ribeiro (Lisbon, IST), "Pi Pi Scattering and Chiral Symmetry" Published in Nucl.Phys.A680:300-303,2000.
- E. Maglione, L.S. Ferreira, "Exact calculations for deformed proton emitters", PROCON99, AIP Conf. Proc. 518 (2000) 154.
- L. S. Ferreira, E. Maglione, "151Lu: spherical or deformed?", Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 021304 (R).
- E. Maglione, L. S. Ferreira, "Fine structure in proton emission from deformed 131 Eu", Phys. Rev. C, 61
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- Eef van Beveren (Coimbra U.), George Rupp (Lisbon U.), &q
uot;Scalar Mesons as �Simple� Q Anti-Q States", Dec 1999. 10pp. published i
n AIP Conf.Proc.508:310-317,2000
- F. Kleefeld, "Consistent Effective Description of Nu
cleonic Resonances in an Unitary Relativistic Field-Theoretic Way", nucl-th
/9811032, Proceedings of XIV International Seminar on High Energy Physics Proble
ms (ISHEPP 98), Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, 17.8
22.8.1998, JINR, Dubna, Russia, Volume I, p. 69-88, Editors A. M. Baldin, V.V. B
urov, (c) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2000.
- F. Kleefeld, "ISI/FSI in Threshold Meson Production
Onshell Approach and Coulomb Problem, nucl-th/0005037 v3, Acta Physica Polonic
a B, Vol. 31, n� 10-11 (2000) p. 2225, Proceedings of "Meson 2000", Wo
rkshop on Production, Properties and Interaction of Mesons, 19.5.-23.5.2000, Cra
cow, Poland.
- F. Kleefeld, "ABSSM a new field-theoretic method o
f describing scattering/production processes of composite particles by asymptoti
c in-/outgoing Bethe-Salpeter states, nucl-th/0010002, proceedings of Few-Body &
quot;Évora 2000", XVII�th European Conference on "Few-Body prob
lems in Physics" 11.9. 16.9.2000, Évora, Portugal, to be published
in Nucl. Phys. A.
- E.Maglione, L.S.Ferreira; "Exact calculations for de
formed proton emitters", AIP Conf. Proc. PROCON99, 518 (2000) 154.
Condensed Matter Physics
- M.A.N. Araujo, N.M.R. Peres, P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira, "Superconductivity in the SU(N) Anderson Lattice at U infinity" Physical Review B 62, 9800 (2000).
- J.M.P. Carmelo, N.M.R. Peres and P.D. Sacramento "Finite-frequency optical absorption in 1D conductors and Mott-Hubbard insulators", Physical Review Letters 84, 4673 (2000).
- N.M.R. Peres, R.G. Dias, P.D. Sacramento and J.M.P. Carmelo, "Finite-temperature transport in finite-size Hubbard rings in the strong-coupling limit" Physical Review B 61, 5169 (2000).
- V. R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento, "Spinor description of a general spin-J system" Procceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics and Stochastic Analysis (in honor of Ludwig Streit 60th Birthday). (2000).
Differential Geometry
- Isabel M.C.Salavessa e Giorgio Valli, "Broadly-Pluriminimal submanifolds of Kahler-Einstein manifolds", to be published in Yokohama Mathematical Journal (vol 48,(2000),p.181-199).
- Isabel Salavessa e Giorgio Valli, "Minimal submanifolds of Kahler-Einstein manifolds with equal Kahler angles", to be published in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
- Isabel. Salavessa, G.Valli "Minimal submanifolds of
Kahler-Einstein manifolds without complex directions and of half dimension"
, Proceedings of Summer School on Differential Geometry, Dep. de Matematica, Un
iversidade de Coimbra , 3/7 September 1999, (CIM publication, with referee).