

    Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

  1. P. J. A. Bicudo (Lisbon, IST), "Factorization of Fermion Doubles on the lattice", FISIST-16-99-CFIF, Sep 1999. 4pp., published in Phys.Lett.B478:379-386,2000.
  2. Eef van Beveren (Coimbra U.), George Rupp (Lisbon, IST), Michael D. Scadron (Arizona U.), "Why the F0(980) is Mostly S Anti-S", Sep 2000. 5pp. published in Phys.Lett.B495:300-302,2000.
  3. Yu.S.Kalashnikova and A.V.Nefediev, "Heavy-light mesons spectrum from the nonperturbative QCD in the einbein field formalism", Phys.Lett. B492 (2000) 91-97.

  4. Yu.S.Kalashnikova and A.V.Nefediev, "Strong decays and Adler selfconsistency condition in two-dimensional QCD", Phys.Lett. B487 (2000) 371-378.
  5. Yu.S.Kalashnikova, A.V.Nefediev and A.V.Volodin, "Hamiltonian approach to the bound state problem in QCD_2", Phys.Atom.Nucl. 63 (2000) 1623-1628
  6. J.E. Ribeiro (Lisbon, IST), "Pi Pi Scattering and Chiral Symmetry" Published in Nucl.Phys.A680:300-303,2000.
  7. E. Maglione, L.S. Ferreira, "Exact calculations for deformed proton emitters", PROCON99, AIP Conf. Proc. 518 (2000) 154.
  8. L. S. Ferreira, E. Maglione, "151Lu: spherical or deformed?", Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 021304 (R).
  9. E. Maglione, L. S. Ferreira, "Fine structure in proton emission from deformed 131 Eu", Phys. Rev. C, 61 (2000) 47307
  10. Eef van Beveren (Coimbra U.), George Rupp (Lisbon U.), &q uot;Scalar Mesons as �Simple� Q Anti-Q States", Dec 1999. 10pp. published i n AIP Conf.Proc.508:310-317,2000
  11. F. Kleefeld, "Consistent Effective Description of Nu cleonic Resonances in an Unitary Relativistic Field-Theoretic Way", nucl-th /9811032, Proceedings of XIV International Seminar on High Energy Physics Proble ms (ISHEPP 98), Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, 17.8 22.8.1998, JINR, Dubna, Russia, Volume I, p. 69-88, Editors A. M. Baldin, V.V. B urov, (c) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2000.
  12. F. Kleefeld, "ISI/FSI in Threshold Meson Production Onshell Approach and Coulomb Problem, nucl-th/0005037 v3, Acta Physica Polonic a B, Vol. 31, n� 10-11 (2000) p. 2225, Proceedings of "Meson 2000", Wo rkshop on Production, Properties and Interaction of Mesons, 19.5.-23.5.2000, Cra cow, Poland.
  13. F. Kleefeld, "ABSSM a new field-theoretic method o f describing scattering/production processes of composite particles by asymptoti c in-/outgoing Bethe-Salpeter states, nucl-th/0010002, proceedings of Few-Body & quot;Évora 2000", XVII�th European Conference on "Few-Body prob lems in Physics" 11.9. 16.9.2000, Évora, Portugal, to be published in Nucl. Phys. A.
  14. E.Maglione, L.S.Ferreira; "Exact calculations for de formed proton emitters", AIP Conf. Proc. PROCON99, 518 (2000) 154.
  15. Condensed Matter Physics

  16. M.A.N. Araujo, N.M.R. Peres, P.D. Sacramento and V.R. Vieira, "Superconductivity in the SU(N) Anderson Lattice at U infinity" Physical Review B 62, 9800 (2000).
  17. J.M.P. Carmelo, N.M.R. Peres and P.D. Sacramento "Finite-frequency optical absorption in 1D conductors and Mott-Hubbard insulators", Physical Review Letters 84, 4673 (2000).
  18. N.M.R. Peres, R.G. Dias, P.D. Sacramento and J.M.P. Carmelo, "Finite-temperature transport in finite-size Hubbard rings in the strong-coupling limit" Physical Review B 61, 5169 (2000).
  19. V. R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento, "Spinor description of a general spin-J system" Procceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics and Stochastic Analysis (in honor of Ludwig Streit 60th Birthday). (2000).
  20. Differential Geometry

  21. Isabel M.C.Salavessa e Giorgio Valli, "Broadly-Pluriminimal submanifolds of Kahler-Einstein manifolds", to be published in Yokohama Mathematical Journal (vol 48,(2000),p.181-199).
  22. Isabel Salavessa e Giorgio Valli, "Minimal submanifolds of Kahler-Einstein manifolds with equal Kahler angles", to be published in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
  23. Isabel. Salavessa, G.Valli "Minimal submanifolds of Kahler-Einstein manifolds without complex directions and of half dimension" , Proceedings of Summer School on Differential Geometry, Dep. de Matematica, Un iversidade de Coimbra , 3/7 September 1999, (CIM publication, with referee).