Frieder Kleefeld

Portuguese Address: Dr. rer. nat. Frieder Kleefeld
Research Collaborator of the
Centro de Física das Interacções Fundamentais (CFIF),
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST),
Edifício Ciência, Piso 3,
Av. Rovisco Pais,
P-1049-001 LISBOA,
Portugal (Europa)
Room No: 1-1.1 (Piso 1)
Telephone: +351-218419103
Fax: +351-218419143
eMail: [email protected]
How to reach me: The best maps of Portugal are available in the
Instituto Geográfico do Exército, Olivais Norte, Lisboa.
Our local time is here!

Czechian Address: Dr. rer. nat. Frieder Kleefeld
Former member and now collaborator of the
Doppler Institute for Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics
and Nuclear Physics Institute (Department of Theoretical Physics),
Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
250 68 Rez near Prague,
Czech Republic (Europa)
Fax: +420-220 940 165
eMail: [email protected]
Our local time is here!

German Address: StR Dr. rer. nat. Frieder Kleefeld
Frankenstr. 3,
91452 Wilhermsdorf,
Germany (Europa)
Tel: +49-9102-9996686
eMail1: [email protected]
eMail2: [email protected]
Our local time is here!

Presently I am permanently working as a Bavarian secondary school teacher for physics and mathematics (and sometimes also for computing) in the Helene-Lange Gymnasium Fürth in Germany. During 2006 and 2008 I had successfully passed a formation as a Bavarian secondary school teacher for physics and mathematics in the Helene-Lange Gymnasium Fürth (Stammschule) and the Hardenberg-Gymnasium Fürth (Einsatzschule) in Germany. Parallelly to my work as a school teacher I am participating in some Portuguese research projects with titles like "Challenging new and old resonances in hadronic physics" and in the Czech project LC06002. Until 31.10.2005 I was - according to specific rules - a postdoctoral research fellow (category: Bolsas de Pós-Doutoramento (BPD)) of the FCT presently working at the CFIF (See also here!). The FCT is financing various scientific topics and institutions directly or through project funding. The FCT displays some Portuguese scientific job announcements here (See also here!). The EPS announces physics job openings here.

Some Collaborating Researchers:

* Prof. Dr. George Rupp (CFIF, Lissabon (germ.) = Lisbon (engl.) = Lisboa (port.))
[email protected]
* Prof. Dr. Everardus Johannes H.V. Beveren (Centro de Física Teórica , Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra)
[email protected]
* Prof. Dr. Micheal D. Scadron (Department of Physics, The Universidade of Arizona)
[email protected]
* See also the Grupo de Física Hadrónica of Portugal!

Main Scientific Area of Research:

* Lost Causes in Theoretical Physics by R. F. Streater
* (Anti)causal Local Quantum Physics
* Non-Hermitian classical and quantum physics
(see e.g. PT-symmetric quantum theories or The PT Symmeter)
* Covariant description and solution of field theoretical many body
problems (e.g. Bethe-Salpeter and Dyson-Schwinger equations)
* Consistent relativistic field-theoretic treatment of composite systems
* Consistent relativistic field-theoretic treatment of resonant / unstable
* Application: calculation of exclusive production of heavy / strange
mesons in proton nucleus collisions at high momentum transfers
* Application: calculation of electromagnetic formfactors and
properties of composite / unstable particles
* Systematic field-theoretic treatment of Initial- and Final-State
Interactions in hadronic many body reactions
* Special focus on the problem of Coulomb-scattering in Initial- and
Final-State Interactions
* Linear Sigma Model
* Chiral Perturbation Theory
* Strong interaction physics in the non-perturbative regime (chiral and
confinement-deconfinement phase transitions)
* See also: The particle adventure - the fundamentals of matter and force
* Trying to understand, what is stated elsewhere.
See e.g.: Quantization as an Eigenvalue Problem , The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004 - Advanced Information.



*Selective information

Preprints, Publications (Incomplete and not up to date!):

are found in SPIRES or the ARXIV or below:

*Available publications

*Available preprints

Conferences, Workshops, Schools (Incomplete and not up to date!):

*Planned participations in conferences and workshops

*Participation in conferences and workshops

*Selective interesting conferences/workshops I couldn't attend


*My family

*Scientific Links

*Nonscientific Links

*My former address in Erlangen/Germany

Isidor Isaac Rabi, 1972:

"Physics needs new ideas. But to have a new idea is a very difficult task: it does not mean to write a few lines in a paper. If you want to be the father of a new idea, you should fully devote your intellectual energy to understand all details and to work out the best way in order to put the new idea under experimental test.

This can take years of work. You should not give up. If you believe that your new idea is a good one, you should work hard and never be afraid to reach the point where a new-comer can, with little effort, find the result you have been working, for so many years, to get.

The new-comer can never take away from you the privilege of having been the first to open a new field with your intelligence, imagination and hard work. Do not be afraid to encourage others to pursue your dream. If it becomes real, the community will never forget that you have been the first to open the field."

(p. 199 in Antonio Zichichi, "Subnuclear physics: the first 50 years: highlights from Erice to ELN", edited by O. Barnabei, P. Pupillo, F. Roversi Monaco (World Scientific series in 20th century physics: vol. 24), (c) 2000 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.)

James D. Bjorken, 2005:

"... I find it paradoxical that ideas which are about to be tested experimentally are treated with a sense of skepticism and doubt, while much more speculative ideas - for example, string theory - are held with a greater sense of certainty. There is, however, an easy explanation for this paradox and that explanation can be conveyed in one word: fear.

In vibrant fields of observational science, practitioners cannot be too dogmatic or doctrinaire for the simple reason that their ideas will soon be put to the test. Unless there is an unusually high level of certitude, it is not a good idea to be dogmatic. There is too much to lose, whether it is just feeling bad about being wrong, being embarrassed, or even having more trouble getting a job.

It makes a big difference behaviourally when science is strongly data-driven, with the 'fear factor' front and centre. And this difference feeds back into improved sociology throughout the entire scientific community. On the other hand, when there is no fear factor, there is no penalty for dogmatism. And so dogmatism often emerges.

I do not mean to imply that science which is not data-driven is not good science. That would leave out all of mathematics. And aesthetic judgments do matter. But I do think that when practising such science one should exhibit at least as much skepticism and doubt as certainty, and as much tolerance for other points of view as is the case in a strongly data-driven environment.

... The great thinkers of the past, including Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, had plenty of ideas of what the big picture should look like. But in the light of present data, the facts simply do not fit their ideas. I think a necessary condition for presuming that the present situation is different is that there exists concrete evidence for convergence toward simplicity. Yet, neither observational cosmology, nor 'string phenomenology', nor phenomenological supersymmetry, at the electroweak scale as well as at the grand-unification scale, points the way toward a simpler big picture. There remains a clutter of poorly understood numbers no matter where one looks. ..."

(p. 7 in "News from ICTP" (Spring 2005, No. 112), published by the Public Information Office of The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy)

See you!